I've had low blood pressure my whole life which can sometimes be a blessing and sometimes a curse. On the curse side, I can never stand up too quickly without feeling like I'm going to pass out, or at the very least seeing stars. On the blessing side, I can eat as much salt as I want with relatively little guilt about it causing high blood pressure. When I was in my early twenties, a doctor once told me at my annual physical that I should put salt in my orange juice in the morning to keep my blood pressure up. Though I think that pretty much all food can be improved with a little shake of salt, orange juice is not one of them. If you want to see what I mean, give it a try. You'll only do it once.

There are many, many foods that I do love with a little extra salt. Oatmeal cookies, for example. Especially the
Salted Oat Cookies from Teaism in DC. I dream about these soft, sweet, salty and cake-like cookies regularly and am thankful that I live in the 'burbs and am therefore not tempted on a daily basis to pick some up.
Popcorn has always been best with butter and salt, but after tasting the
popcorn with truffle oil from Chef Geoff's, I've been on a quest to come up with more interesting, crave-able toppings to this afternoon snack. My latest favorite is a combination of olive oil, truffle salt (from a trip to France), and grated Parmegiano Reggiano. Earthy, salty, crunchy deliciousness. Get your hands off my popcorn!
A friend recently introduced me to
Maldon Sea Salt Flakes. This salt comes in flakes, rather than crystals and has no bitter aftertaste. Top a good piece of bread with ripe summer tomatoes, a drizzle of olive oil, and some Maldon salt and you'll have a very happy mouth!